October Virtual Sangha Events

Dear Dharma Friends,We will continue our regular Virtual Shrine room meetings this month with Chenrezig Practice,  Debra Ann Robinson, and Charles Dawes.

October 6 commemorates Khenpo Karthar Rinpoches 1st Parinirvana and we would like to invite you to share your stories about Rinpoche on October 20.

As a reminder, we will send an announcement every Tuesday by noon with the Zoom login.

Karmapa Chenno!
Your Dharma Family at Santa Monica KTC
October 6
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Long-Form Chenrezig Practice
October 13
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Debra Ann Robinson Meditation/Dharma talk 
October 20
6:00 – 7:30 PM 

Share your stories about Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche
We would like to invite you to share your stories about Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche to commemorate the 1st anniversary of his Parinirvana.
October 27
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Short-form Chenrezig in Tibetan and English
Dharma discussion with Charles Dawes
Inspirational Quote:There is a spark of hope, a playful humor about the posture we take in meditation, which lies in the secret understanding that we all have the buddha nature. So when you assume this posture, you are playfully imitating a buddha, acknowledging and giving real encouragement to the emergence of your own buddha nature. You begin to respect yourself as a potential buddha.

At the same time, you still recognize your relative condition. But because you have let yourself be inspired by a joyful trust in your own true Buddha nature, you can accept your negative aspects more easily and deal with them more generously and with more humor.

When you meditate, invite yourself to feel the self-esteem, the dignity, and the strong humility of the buddha that you are. If you simply let yourself be inspired by this joyful trust, it is enough: Out of this understanding and confidence, meditation will naturally arise.
Rigpa Glimpse of the day
 Teaching Link:Mingyur Rinpoche – The Three Wisdoms
Support the rebuilding of Columbus KTC, which burned down in 2016.

Each design is individually handprinted on high-quality fair trade cotton Shirts.
On the back is the Mantra “OM MANI PEME HUNG”. 
20$ per shirt go directly to the rebuilding fund.

Order them here: BODHI TEE

May all beings benefit!
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