May KTC Events

Dear Dharma family

Please join us this May as Lama Karma, Lama Kathy, and Lama Adam return to teach at our Sangha.

Weekly meetings are on Thursdays from 6:30 – 8:15 PM PST via Zoom.
Invites will be sent on the day of each event.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Karmapa Khyenno!

Your Dharma Family at Santa Monica KTC

  • May 4 | Lama Karma – Guided Meditation
  • May 11 | Chenrezig Practice
  • May 18 | Lama Adam – Ultimately Chenrezig, Relatively Speaking
  • May 25 | Lama Kathy – Joy of Living Book Study
Lama Karma will lead us in guided practice and discussion.
Lama Karma will lead us in a guided practice and discussion.
May 11Chenrezig Practice
Chenrezig Practice in English and Tibetan.
May 18Ultimately Chenrezig, Relatively Speaking
In each session, we’ll go deep into one of the practical aspects of tantric Buddhist visualization, using the Short Chenrezig practice as our jumping-off point. Drawing on the teachings of great masters such as Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Bokar Rinpoche, and Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, this series will be a “how-to” for cultivating and reenergizing a meaningful everyday Vajrayana practice, with an emphasis on revealing the thread of sacredness connecting everything.
May 25Joyful Wisdom Book study with Lama Kathy
Lama Kathy will teach Rinpoche’s illuminating perspective which addresses the timeless problem of anxiety in our everyday lives. “From the 2,500-year-old perspective of Buddhism,” Rinpoche writes, “every chapter in human history could be described as an ‘age of anxiety.’ The anxiety we feel now has been part of the human condition for centuries.”So what do we do? Escape or succumb? Both routes inevitably lead to more complications and problems in our lives. “Buddhism,” he says, “offers a third option. We can look directly at the disturbing emotions and other problems we experience as stepping stones to freedom. Instead of rejecting or surrendering to them, we can befriend them, working through them to reach an enduring authentic experience of our inherent Wisdom, confidence, clarity, and joy.”

ZOOM credentials for our regular sessions will remain the same:

Join Zoom Meeting

+1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 872 0469 4084

Inspirational Quote:

Dudjom Rinpoche used to say that a beginner should practice meditation in short sessions. Practice for four or five minutes, then take a short break of just one minute. During the break, let go of the method, but do not let go of your mindfulness altogether.

Sometimes when you have been struggling to practice, curiously, the very moment when you take a break from the method—if you are still mindful and present—is the moment when meditation actually happens. That is why the break is just as important a part of meditation as the sitting itself. Sometimes I tell my students who are having problems with their practice to practice during the break and take a break during their meditation!

Rigpa Glimpse of the Day

Teaching Link:
How to go Beyond Failure with Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

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