Lama Adam Berner, Lama Karma Drodhul, Lama Kathy Wesley

May events

Please join us this month Every Thursday from 6:30 – 8:30 PM PST via Zoom.
Invites will be sent on the day of each event.

  • May 5 | Chenrezig Practice | Tibetan and English
  • May 12 | Lama Kathy | The “Whispered Lineage” – Kagyu Lineage, Teachers, and Practices.
  • May 19 | Lama Adam | The Three Commitments: Living the Dream
  • May 26 | Lama Karma | Guided practice

Donations for Lama Adam, Lama Karma, or Lama Kathy

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Karmapa Khyenno!

Your Dharma Family at Santa Monica KTC

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