September Lama Teachings and Virtual Sangha Events

Dear Dharma Friends,We are happy to announce Lama Karma Drodhul and Khenpo Karma Tenkyong from KTD joining our Virtual Sangha this month. Debra Ann Robinson will resume her regular session and new this month, our Sangha member Charles Dawes will be leading our Dharma discussion.

Karmapa Chenno!
Your Dharma Family at Santa Monica KTC
September 1
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Long-Form Chenrezig Practice
September 8
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Debra Ann Robinson Meditation/Dharma talk 
September 15
6:00 – 7:30 PM 

Lama Karma Drodhul
Advice for the beginner practitionerWe are all at different stages in our practice, some have been practicing longer, others are new. In this talk, Lama Karma will discuss how to start on the Buddhist path, which texts to read, prayers, rituals, and so forth. This advice will be helpful at any stage of our practice to help along on the path. 
September 22
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Short-form Chenrezig in Tibetan and English
Dharma discussion with Charles Dawes
September 29
6:00 – 7:30 PM 
Khenpo Karma Tenkyong
Life at KTD Monastery and travels with HH Karmapa
followed by Q&A
Inspirational Quote: If you find that meditation does not come easily in your city room, be inventive and go out into nature. Nature is always an unfailing fountain of inspiration. To calm your mind, go for a walk at dawn in the park, or watch the dew on a rose in a garden. Lie on the ground and gaze up into the sky, and let your mind expand into its spaciousness. Let the sky outside awaken a sky inside your mind. Stand by a stream and mingle your mind with its rushing; become one with its ceaseless sound. Sit by a waterfall and let its healing laughter purify your spirit. Walk on a beach and take the sea wind full and sweet against your face. Celebrate and use the beauty of moonlight to poise your mind. Sit by a lake or in a garden and, breathing quietly, let your mind fall silent as the moon comes up majestically and slowly in the cloudless night.
Rigpa Glimpse of the day

Teaching Link: Mingyur Rinpoche – Basic Goodness and Compassion: View
Support the rebuilding of Columbus KTC, which burned down in 2016.

Each design is individually handprinted on high-quality fair trade cotton Shirts.
On the back is the Mantra “OM MANI PEME HUNG”. 
20$ per shirt go directly to the rebuilding fund.

Order them here: BODHI TEE

May all beings benefit!
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